Sayings about money and love

1. "Money can't buy love, but it can make the journey a lot more comfortable."

2. "Love is priceless, but unfortunately, everything else comes with a price tag."

3. "In matters of love and money, it's important to find a balance between the two."

4. "Money may come and go, but true love remains constant."

5. "Love is the currency of the heart, while money is the currency of the world."

6. "The best things in life are free, but the rest usually require a payment."

7. "Money can't buy happiness, but it can certainly make life easier when love is present."

8. "Love is the true wealth that enriches our lives, while money is just a means to an end."

9. "When love is abundant, wealth becomes a bonus rather than a necessity."

10. "A rich heart is worth more than a full bank account when it comes to matters of love."

Above is Sayings about money and love.

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