Sayings about mornings

1. "The early bird catches the worm."

2. "Rise and shine!"

3. "Morning is a new beginning."

4. "Every morning is a fresh start."

5. "The sun has not caught me in bed in fifty years."

6. "Morning is the best time to start anew."

7. "Morning is the start of a new adventure."

8. "Mornings are full of possibilities."

9. "Morning is the time to set the tone for the day."

10. "A good morning routine sets the tone for a productive day."

Above is Sayings about mornings.

Smoking weed sayings

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Ned flanderes sayings

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Funny diaper sayings for baby shower

1. I'm the reason we can't have nice things.2. I'm a little stinker, but I'm cute too!3. Warning: Contents may cause extreme cuteness.4. I'm the boss of this diaper.5. I'm just here for the milk and cuddles.6. Diaper duty calls, and I must answer.7. I may be small, but my diapers are mi