Sayings about mum in heaven

1. "Though you are no longer with me, your love and guidance continue to light my way from heaven above."

2. "A mother's love is eternal, even when she is watching over us from heaven."

3. "Heaven gained an angel, but my heart lost its guiding light. I miss you, Mom."

4. "In my heart, you will always be, watching over me from your place in heaven."

5. "I may not see you, but I feel your presence in every moment. Love you always, Mom."

6. "The bond between a mother and child is never broken, even by death. I feel your love from heaven."

7. "Your memory is a treasure I hold dear, knowing you are watching over me from up above."

8. "In heaven's embrace, you found peace, but in my heart, you will always have a home."

9. "Though you are gone, your love remains a guiding force in my life. I feel you with me, Mom."

10. "Heaven may have taken you away, but your love remains with me every day."

Above is Sayings about mum in heaven.

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