Sayings about not doing things for thanks

1. "Do good for others without expecting anything in return."

2. "Kindness is its own reward."

3. "The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others." - Mahatma Gandhi

4. "Do good and disappear." - Navjot Singh Sidhu

5. "The true measure of a person's character is what they do when no one is watching."

6. "Don't do things for recognition, do them because it's the right thing to do."

7. "Act without expectation." - Lao Tzu

8. "The greatest reward for doing is the opportunity to do more." - Jonas Salk

9. "Do good deeds quietly and let your actions speak for themselves."

10. "The joy of giving is greater than the joy of receiving."

Above is Sayings about not doing things for thanks.

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