Sayings about pecking

1. "Don't let the little pecks in life ruffle your feathers."

2. "A bird pecks at the ripest fruit first."

3. "Like a chicken pecking for food, sometimes you have to work hard to get what you want."

4. "Peck away at your goals one step at a time."

5. "The constant pecking of a woodpecker can create a masterpiece."

6. "Even a small peck can leave a lasting impact."

7. "Don't be afraid to peck at new opportunities."

8. "The pecking order will always exist, but it's up to you to rise above it."

9. "In the game of life, sometimes you have to peck your way to the top."

10. "Just keep pecking away, and eventually you'll break through."

Above is Sayings about pecking.

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