Sayings about racism

1. "Racism is a learned behavior, not a genetic trait."

2. "The only race that matters is the human race."

3. "Racism is a disease that eats away at the soul of humanity."

4. "We may have different skin colors, but we all bleed the same."

5. "Racism is the ultimate ignorance, as it judges people based on the color of their skin rather than the content of their character."

6. "The true measure of a person is not their skin color, but the kindness in their heart."

7. "Racism is a barrier to understanding and empathy, preventing us from truly connecting with one another."

8. "We must stand together against racism, for the sake of our shared humanity."

9. "Racism is a poison that destroys communities and divides us as a society."

10. "In a world where you can be anything, choose to be kind and inclusive, not racist."

Above is Sayings about racism.

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