Sayings about regretting things

1. "Regret is a weight that can crush your spirit if you let it."

2. "Regretting the past won't change it, but learning from it can shape your future."

3. "The only thing worse than making a mistake is regretting not trying at all."

4. "Regret is a bitter pill to swallow, but it can also be a powerful teacher."

5. "Don't let regret consume you, instead use it as motivation to make better choices in the future."

6. "Regret is like a ghost that haunts you, but forgiveness is the key to setting yourself free."

7. "The pain of regret is a reminder to live with intention and make the most of every moment."

8. "Regret is a sign that you cared enough to wish things had turned out differently."

9. "It's better to regret something you did than something you didn't do."

10. "Regret serves as a reminder that we are human, capable of making mistakes but also capable of growth and redemption."

Above is Sayings about regretting things.

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