Sayings about skating

1. "Skateboarding is not a crime, it's a way of life."

2. "Life is better on a skateboard."

3. "Skateboarding teaches you to get back up every time you fall."

4. "Skateboarding is freedom on four wheels."

5. "Skateboarding is not a hobby, it's a passion."

6. "Skateboarding is a form of art, with the streets as your canvas."

7. "Skateboarding is a way to express yourself without saying a word."

8. "Skateboarding is about pushing your limits and defying gravity."

9. "Skateboarding is a lifestyle that keeps you young at heart."

10. "Skateboarding is a dance with the pavement, where every trick is a step in the rhythm of the streets."

Above is Sayings about skating.

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