Sayings about swearing

1. "Swearing doesn't make your argument stronger, it just shows your lack of vocabulary."

2. "Swearing is a sign of a weak mind trying to express itself forcefully."

3. "A foul mouth often reveals a foul character."

4. "Profanity is the effort of a feeble mind trying to express itself forcefully."

5. "Swearing is the language of the ignorant."

6. "Cursing is the coward's way of expressing anger."

7. "Watch your words, for they reveal the true state of your heart."

8. "Profanity is the crutch of the inarticulate."

9. "Swearing is a lazy way of expressing oneself."

10. "A clean mouth is a reflection of a clean heart."

Above is Sayings about swearing.

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