Sayings about texting and cheating

1. "Texting is not an excuse for cheating, it's a choice."

2. "A text message can never replace loyalty and trust in a relationship."

3. "Cheating through texts is a cowardly act, lacking integrity and respect."

4. "Sending flirty texts to someone other than your partner is a slippery slope towards infidelity."

5. "The true test of loyalty is not what you text, but how you act when no one is watching."

6. "A relationship built on secret texts is a relationship built on deceit."

7. "Texting someone else while in a committed relationship is a betrayal of trust."

8. "Cheating through texts may seem harmless, but the emotional damage it causes is real."

9. "Texting behind your partner's back is a sign of dishonesty and disloyalty."

10. "If you're tempted to cheat through texts, remember that honesty is always the best policy in a relationship."

Above is Sayings about texting and cheating.

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