Sayings about the grave funny

1. "I told my wife I wanted to be buried in a suit, so she buried me in my birthday suit."

2. "I asked the funeral director if he could make me look taller in my casket. He said, 'Sure, we can put in some extra padding.'"

3. "I told my family to bury me with my phone so I can still text from the afterlife. They said no, because I'll probably just ghost them."

4. "I want my tombstone to read: 'I told you I was sick.'"

5. "I asked the undertaker if he could give me a discount on my funeral. He said, 'Sorry, we don't do 'grave' discounts.'"

6. "I told my kids to bury me with all my money. They said, 'Dad, you can't take it with you.' I said, 'Watch me.'"

7. "I want my funeral to be a celebration of life, with a DJ and a dance floor. Who says you can't party in the grave?"

8. "I asked the priest if he could make my eulogy funny. He said, 'I'll do my best, but I can't promise any killer jokes.'"

9. "I told my friends to bury me with a bottle of whiskey. They said, 'You'll be the life of the party even in death.'"

10. "I want my epitaph to read: 'Here lies a man who finally got some peace and quiet.'"

Above is Sayings about the grave funny.

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