Sayings about time and love

1. "Time is the longest distance between two places, but love can bridge that gap."

2. "Love is like a timeless river that flows endlessly, carrying us through the currents of time."

3. "In the end, only time will tell the true depth of love that two hearts share."

4. "Time spent with the ones we love is never wasted, for it is in those moments that we truly live."

5. "Love is not bound by time; it transcends the limitations of the clock and exists eternally in the heart."

6. "Time may heal all wounds, but love is the balm that soothes the pain along the way."

7. "Love is the only thing that can make time stand still, even as the world keeps spinning."

8. "Time is fleeting, but the memories of love last a lifetime."

9. "Love is the one thing that makes time spent apart feel like just a moment, and time together feel like an eternity."

10. "Time may pass, seasons may change, but true love remains constant and unwavering."

Above is Sayings about time and love.

Old sayings and ditties

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