Sayings about troublemakers humour

1. "Troublemakers are just angels with crooked halos."

2. "Troublemakers keep life interesting, like a plot twist in a boring movie."

3. "Troublemakers are like spices in a dish - a little bit adds flavor, but too much can ruin the whole thing."

4. "Troublemakers are the ones who color outside the lines and make the world a more vibrant place."

5. "Troublemakers are the comedians of life, always ready to bring a smile to your face, even if it's at their own expense."

6. "Troublemakers are the ones who dare to challenge the status quo and push boundaries, making us question and grow."

7. "Troublemakers are like firecrackers - they may cause a little chaos, but they also light up the sky with their spark."

8. "Troublemakers are the mischievous spirits that keep us on our toes and remind us not to take life too seriously."

9. "Troublemakers are the rebels with a cause, shaking things up for the greater good."

10. "Troublemakers are the ones who turn mundane moments into memorable adventures, making life a little more exciting."

Above is Sayings about troublemakers humour.

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