Sayings beginning with so

1. So it goes.

2. So far, so good.

3. So help me God.

4. So long, farewell.

5. So much to do, so little time.

6. Sooner or later.

7. So there you have it.

8. So what's new?

9. Sooner rather than later.

10. So it seems.

Above is Sayings beginning with so.

Ego quotes and sayings telugu

1. నా అహంకారం నా శక్తి - My ego is my power.2. నా అహంకారం నా సంపత్తు - My ego is my wealth.3. నా అహంకారం నా గౌరవం - My ego is my pride.4. నా అహంకారం నా స్వభావం - My ego is my nature.5. నా అహంకారం నా సామర్థ్యం - My ego is my strength.

Common italian american sayings

1. Mangia bene, ridi spesso, ama molto. (Eat well, laugh often, love much.)2. La famiglia è tutto. (Family is everything.)3. Dolce far niente. (The sweetness of doing nothing.)4. In bocca al lupo. (Good luck - literally in the mouth of the wolf.)5. Famiglia prima di tutto. (Family first.

List of famous ben franklin sayings

1. Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.2. Well done is better than well said.3. An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.4. By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.5. Diligence is the mother of good luck.6. Either write something wor

Captains sayings

1. A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor.2. The best way to predict the future is to create it.3. A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for.4. The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails.5. There are no

Bridesmaids sayings

1. A good friend knows all your best stories, a bridesmaid has lived them with you.2. Behind every successful bride is a tribe of amazing bridesmaids.3. A bridesmaid is a friend who is always there to help you tie the knot.4. Bridesmaids: the best friends a girl could ask for on her big day.

Affectionate sayings in italian

1. Ti voglio bene - I care about you2. Sei il mio amore - You are my love3. Ti amo alla follia - I love you madly4. Sei il mio tesoro - You are my treasure5. Mi manchi da morire - I miss you to death6. Sei la mia anima gemella - You are my soulmate7. Non posso vivere senza di te - I can't live witho

Austrian sayings about love

1. Liebe macht blind, aber die Ehe macht wieder sehend. (Love makes you blind, but marriage makes you see again.)2. In der Liebe und im Krieg ist alles erlaubt. (In love and war, everything is fair.)3. Liebe geht durch den Magen. (The way to someone's heart is through their stomach.)4. Liebe

Cute peace sayings and

1. Peace begins with a smile. - Mother Teresa2. Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me.3. Peace is not the absence of conflict, but the presence of harmony.4. In a world where you can be anything, be kind.5. Spread love and peace wherever you go.6. Peace is the beauty of lif

9 year old birthday sayings

1. Happy 9th birthday! May your day be filled with fun, laughter, and lots of cake!2. Wishing you a day as special as you are on your 9th birthday!3. Nine years old and shining bright! Happy birthday to a wonderful kid!4. Hope your 9th birthday is as awesome as you are! Have a blast!5. Turn

Cleaner than sayings

Neater than expressions