Sayings by swami vivekananda on equality

1. "The idea of perfect equality is the motive force of the whole of creation."

2. "Each soul is potentially divine."

3. "The greatest sin is to think yourself weak."

4. "In a day, when you don't come across any problems - you can be sure that you are travelling in a wrong path."

5. "All differences in this world are of degree, and not of kind, because oneness is the secret of everything."

6. "The moment I have realized God sitting in the temple of every human body, the moment I stand in reverence before every human being and see God in him - that moment I am free from bondage, everything that binds vanishes, and I am free."

7. "The only way to rise is by doing good to others."

8. "The powers of the mind are like the rays of the sun when they are concentrated they illumine."

9. "The greatest religion is to be true to your own nature. Have faith in yourselves."

10. "Arise, awake, and stop not till the goal is reached."

Above is Sayings by swami vivekananda on equality.

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