Sayings cute funny cookie quotes

1. "I'm just here for the cookies and the laughs."

2. "Life is short, eat the cookie first."

3. "Cookies are the answer, who cares what the question is."

4. "I'm not a regular mom, I'm a cool cookie mom."

5. "Stressed spelled backwards is desserts. Coincidence? I think not."

6. "Cookies: because adulting is hard."

7. "You can't buy happiness, but you can buy cookies, and that's kind of the same thing."

8. "I'm in a committed relationship with cookies."

9. "My favorite exercise is a cross between a lunge and a crunch... I call it lunch."

10. "I'm not a regular cookie, I'm a cool cookie."

Above is Sayings cute funny cookie quotes.

Calm blue sayings

1. As calm as a clear blue sky.2. Inhale peace, exhale calm.3. Blue is the color of tranquility.4. Finding serenity in the depths of blue.5. Like a gentle wave, be calm and steady.6. Blue hues soothe the soul.7. Embrace the peacefulness of a calm blue ocean.8. Let the calm blue waters

Boys only sayings

1. Boys will be boys.2. Man up.3. Bro code.4. Boys don't cry.5. Boys don't show emotions.6. Boys will always be boys.7. Real men don't back down.8. Boys don't play with dolls.9. Boys don't show weakness.10. Boys don't ask for help.

Cookie monster quotes sayings

1. Me want cookie!2. Sometimes me think, what is friend? And then me say, friend is someone to share the last cookie with.3. Today me will live in the moment, unless it's unpleasant, in which case me will eat a cookie.4. C is for cookie, that's good enough for me!5. Cookies are the best thi

Birthday card sayings for father figure

1. To a father figure who has always been there for me, happy birthday! Your love and guidance mean the world to me.2. On your special day, I want to thank you for being the father figure I never knew I needed. Wishing you a birthday filled with love and joy.3. To a wonderful father figure who

Sayings with the word city

1. The city never sleeps.2. In the city, anything is possible.3. City life, fast-paced and exciting.4. Lost in the city lights.5. The heartbeat of the city.6. City streets, full of stories.7. City living, a blend of chaos and charm.8. Cityscape, a canvas of dreams.9. City dwellers,

Traditional british sayings

1. Bob's your uncle - used to indicate that something will be successful or easily accomplished.2. It's raining cats and dogs - used to describe heavy rainfall.3. Mind your Ps and Qs - a reminder to be on one's best behavior and be polite.4. The bee's knees - used to describe something excel

Speak your mind quotes and sayings

1. Speak your mind, even if your voice shakes. - Maggie Kuhn2. The only way to speak your mind is to know your mind. - Bryant McGill3. Don't be afraid to speak your mind, even if your voice shakes. Your thoughts matter. - Unknown4. Speak your mind, even if your voice trembles. - Unknown5. T

Sayings for military

1. Semper Fi - Always faithful (US Marine Corps motto)2. Adapt and overcome - Be flexible and find solutions in challenging situations3. Leave no man behind - Commitment to the safety and well-being of all team members4. Victory or death - Determination to succeed at all costs5. Duty, honor

Quilt sayings for friends

1. Friends are like quilts, they keep you warm and cozy.2. Stitching together memories with friends is like creating a beautiful quilt.3. Friends are the fabric of our lives, holding us together like a quilt.4. A true friend is like a patch in a quilt, adding color and warmth to your life.5.

New jersey girl sayings

1. Down the shore - Referring to going to the beach or the Jersey Shore.2. Fuggedaboutit - A phrase used to dismiss something or someone.3. Taylor ham, egg, and cheese - A popular breakfast sandwich in New Jersey.4. Pork roll - Another name for Taylor ham, a beloved New Jersey food.5. Wawa