Sayings for bingo numbers

1. "Kelly's eye, number one"

2. "Two little ducks, twenty-two"

3. "Knock at the door, number four"

4. "Man alive, number five"

5. "Sweet sixteen, number sixteen"

6. "Lucky seven, number seven"

7. "One dozen, number twelve"

8. "Garden gate, number eight"

9. "Doctor's orders, number nine"

10. "Big fat hen, number ten"

11. "Legs eleven, number eleven"

12. "One dozen, number twelve"

13. "Unlucky for some, number thirteen"

14. "Valentine's Day, number fourteen"

15. "Young and keen, number fifteen"

16. "Sweet sixteen, number sixteen"

17. "Dancing queen, number seventeen"

18. "Coming of age, number eighteen"

19. "Goodbye teens, number nineteen"

20. "One score, number twenty"

21. "Key of the door, number twenty-one"

22. "Two little ducks, twenty-two"

23. "Thee and me, number twenty-three"

24. "Two dozen, number twenty-four"

25. "Duck and dive, number twenty-five"

26. "Bed and breakfast, number twenty-six"

27. "Gateway to heaven, number twenty-seven"

28. "Overweight, number twenty-eight"

29. "Rise and shine, number twenty-nine"

30. "Dirty Gertie, number thirty"

Above is Sayings for bingo numbers.

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