Sayings for christening cards

1. "May God's love and blessings be with you on your christening day and always."

2. "Baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. May your faith continue to grow."

3. "On this special day of your christening, may you feel the presence of God's love surrounding you."

4. "Welcome to the family of faith. May your journey with God be filled with joy and peace."

5. "As you are baptized, may you be filled with the Holy Spirit and guided in all your ways."

6. "God has a special plan for you, little one. May your christening be the beginning of a life filled with blessings."

7. "On your christening day, may you be wrapped in the love and grace of God."

8. "May your christening be a beautiful reminder of God's unconditional love for you."

9. "Blessings on your christening day and always. May you walk in the light of God's love."

10. "As you are baptized, may you be filled with the peace that surpasses all understanding."

Above is Sayings for christening cards.

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