Sayings for great news

1. "Good things come to those who wait."

2. "Every cloud has a silver lining."

3. "The best is yet to come."

4. "Fortune favors the bold."

5. "The stars have aligned in your favor."

6. "A dream come true."

7. "The world is your oyster."

8. "A stroke of luck."

9. "The tide has turned in your favor."

10. "A reason to celebrate."

Above is Sayings for great news.

Bubble sayings for motivation

1. Don't be afraid to make waves, for it's in the chaos that we find our strength.2. Rise above the storm and you will find the sunshine waiting for you.3. Embrace the unknown, for that is where growth begins.4. Be like a bubble - light, resilient, and always ready to rise.5. Let your dream

List of british sayings

1. Bob's your uncle - Everything is sorted or completed.2. Cheerio - Goodbye.3. Chuffed to bits - Very pleased or happy.4. Gobsmacked - Astonished or surprised.5. It's not my cup of tea - It's not something I enjoy or like.6. Taking the mickey - Teasing or making fun of someone.7. A bit

Goku sayings

1. I am the hope of the universe. I am the answer to all living things that cry out for peace. I am protector of the innocent. I am the light in the darkness. I am truth.2. I don't care how strong you are, if you put the Earth in danger, I will not forgive you!3. I am the Saiyan who came all th

Scottish sayings about weather

1. It's a dreich day today. (Dreich means dull, damp, and overcast)2. There's a fine mist coming in off the sea. (Referring to light rain or drizzle)3. It's blowing a hoolie out there. (Describing strong winds)4. It's pure Baltic today. (Baltic meaning extremely cold)5. The haar's coming in

Cute prek teacher sayings svg

Here are some cute pre-k teacher sayings that can be turned into SVG designs:1. Teaching tiny hearts is my superpower2. In a world where you can be anything, be kind3. I teach, what's your superpower?4. Learning is a journey, not a race5. Little hands, big dreams6. Teaching is a work of h

Best boyfriend in the world sayings

1. You are my rock, my love, and my best friend. I am so grateful to have you in my life.2. You make every day brighter and more beautiful just by being in it.3. I am so lucky to have found someone as amazing as you. You truly are the best boyfriend in the world.4. You make me a better person

Bowling party thank you sayings

1. Thank you for rolling with us at the bowling party! We had a ball with you!2. Strike! Thank you for joining us at the bowling party and making it a memorable night.3. We bowled over by your presence at the party! Thank you for coming and making it a strike-tastic event.4. Gutter or strike,

Big ang sayings

Big Ang, also known as Angela Raiola, was a reality TV star known for her appearances on the show Mob Wives. She was known for her larger-than-life personality and her memorable sayings. Some of her famous quotes include:1. I'm not a one in a million kind of girl. I'm a once in a lifetime kind of

Baby boy words of wisdom sayings

1. Dream big, little one, for the world is full of endless possibilities.2. Always be kind, for kindness is a language that everyone understands.3. Believe in yourself, for you are capable of achieving great things.4. Embrace challenges, for they are opportunities for growth and learning.5.

Newbaby card sayings

1. Congratulations on your new arrival! Wishing you all the joy and love in the world.2. Welcome to the world, little one! May your life be filled with happiness and blessings.3. Sending love and warm wishes to the newest member of your family. Congratulations!4. A tiny bundle of joy has arri