Sayings for kitchen walls

1. "Cooking is love made visible."

2. "The kitchen is the heart of the home."

3. "Eat, drink, and be merry."

4. "Life is short, lick the bowl."

5. "Good food, good mood."

6. "Happiness is homemade."

7. "Bake the world a better place."

8. "Sip happens, wine helps."

9. "Chop it like it's hot."

10. "In this kitchen, we dance."

Above is Sayings for kitchen walls.

Brooklyn girl sayings

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Sayings about feedback or criticism

1. Feedback is the breakfast of champions. - Ken Blanchard2. Criticism, like rain, should be gentle enough to nourish a man's growth without destroying his roots. - Frank A. Clark3. Feedback is the breakfast of champions. - Rick Tate4. Criticism may not be agreeable, but it is necessary. It f

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Choking the chicken sayings

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Copenhagen denmark favorite sayings

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Breton sayings

1. Ma c'hoar a zo ur c'hoar mad. - My sister is a good sister.2. N'eus gwirionez nemet e-barzh an hini a zo dleet da ziskouez. - There is only truth in the one who is obliged to show it.3. N'eus ket avel hep gwin. - There is no wind without wine.4. Gwell eo bezañ treuzkaset gant ar mor