Sayings for retirement

1. "Retirement is not the end of the road, it's the beginning of a new journey."

2. "Retirement: the time to enjoy all the things you never had time to do before."

3. "Retirement is when you stop living at work and start working at living."

4. "Retirement is the perfect time to do what you want, when you want, where you want."

5. "Retirement is the reward for a lifetime of hard work and dedication."

6. "Retirement is not the end of the road, it's a new chapter in the book of life."

7. "Retirement is the opportunity to live your dreams and pursue your passions."

8. "Retirement is the beginning of a new adventure filled with endless possibilities."

9. "Retirement is the time to relax, recharge, and rediscover the joys of life."

10. "Retirement is the ultimate freedom to do what makes you happy."

Above is Sayings for retirement.

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