Sayings for valentines day card

1. "You make my heart skip a beat and my soul sing with joy. Happy Valentine's Day!"

2. "Roses are red, violets are blue, being with you makes all my dreams come true."

3. "You are the love of my life, my partner in crime, and my best friend. Happy Valentine's Day!"

4. "I love you more than words can express. Happy Valentine's Day, my love."

5. "You are my sunshine on a cloudy day, my rock in times of trouble. Happy Valentine's Day!"

6. "Every moment with you is a treasure, every day with you is a blessing. Happy Valentine's Day!"

7. "You are the missing piece to my puzzle, the love of my life. Happy Valentine's Day!"

8. "You are my forever and always, my one true love. Happy Valentine's Day!"

9. "With you, every day feels like Valentine's Day. I love you more than words can say."

10. "You are the reason for my smile, the beat of my heart. Happy Valentine's Day, my love!"

Above is Sayings for valentines day card.

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