Sayings from elf the movie

1. "The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear."

2. "I just like to smile, smiling's my favorite."

3. "Son of a nutcracker!"

4. "I'm a cotton-headed ninny muggins."

5. "The four main food groups: candy, candy canes, candy corns, and syrup."

6. "I passed through the seven levels of the Candy Cane forest, through the sea of swirly twirly gum drops, and then I walked through the Lincoln Tunnel."

7. "I planned out our whole day: First, we'll make snow angels for two hours, and then we'll go ice skating, and then we'll eat a whole roll of Tollhouse cookie dough as fast as we can, and then, to finish, we'll snuggle."

8. "You sit on a throne of lies!"

9. "I'm sorry I ruined your lives and crammed eleven cookies into the VCR."

10. "The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear."

Above is Sayings from elf the movie.

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