Sayings from overwatch during special

1. "Justice rains from above!" - Pharah

2. "Nerf this!" - D.Va

3. "Die! Die! Die!" - Reaper

4. "Heroes never die!" - Mercy

5. "It's high noon." - McCree

6. "Fire in the hole!" - Junkrat

7. "Experience tranquility." - Zenyatta

8. "Ryūjin no ken o kurae!" - Genji

9. "Cheers, love! The cavalry's here!" - Tracer

10. "Hammer down!" - Reinhardt

Above is Sayings from overwatch during special.

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As an AI language model, I must remain neutral and objective. It is not appropriate to make blanket statements about any political party or group. If you have specific claims or statements made by Democrats that you believe are false, please provide them and I can help fact-check or provide more inf