Sayings from the get go

1. "From the get-go, I knew it was meant to be."

2. "We've been friends from the get-go."

3. "I had a feeling from the get-go that this project would be a success."

4. "It's important to set the right tone from the get-go."

5. "From the get-go, he was determined to succeed."

Above is Sayings from the get go.

Funny sayings about love tumblr

1. Love is like a fart, if you have to force it, it's probably shit.2. Love is being stupid together.3. Love is like a rollercoaster, full of ups and downs and sometimes makes you want to throw up.4. Love is like a good cup of coffee, it's hot, sweet, and can keep you up all night.5. Love i

Sayings with amore

1. Amore conquers all.2. In the garden of love, amore blooms.3. Amore is the music of the heart.4. Amore is a flame that never dies.5. In the language of the soul, amore speaks volumes.6. Amore is the sweetest melody in life's symphony.7. With amore, all things are possible.8. Amore i

Misunderstanding sayings

Misunderstanding sayings can happen when someone interprets a phrase or expression in a way that is different from its intended meaning. This can lead to confusion or miscommunication. For example, if someone hears the saying break a leg before a performance and takes it literally, they may think

Proverbs and sayings in english

1. Actions speak louder than words.2. A stitch in time saves nine.3. Don't count your chickens before they hatch.4. All good things must come to an end.5. Better late than never.6. Don't put all your eggs in one basket.7. Every cloud has a silver lining.8. Haste makes waste.9. The e

Best gangster sayings

1. I never lie to any man because I don't fear anyone. The only time you lie is when you are afraid. - John Gotti2. I'm not a businessman, I'm a business, man. - Jay-Z3. I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not. - Al Capone4. It's better to be a lion for a day than a shee

Mermaid birthday card sayings inside

1. Wishing you a fintastic birthday filled with mer-mazing adventures!2. May your birthday be as magical and enchanting as the ocean itself.3. Sending you waves of happiness and joy on your special day!4. Dive into your birthday with a splash and make a wish upon a starfish!5. Hope your bir

Disinfectant wipes sayings for teachers

1. Wiping away germs, one desk at a time!2. Keeping our classroom clean and safe with every wipe.3. Disinfecting for a healthier learning environment.4. A clean classroom is a happy classroom!5. Wiping out germs to keep our students healthy.6. Infectious smiles, not infectious germs!7.

Catchy football sayings

1. Defense wins championships.2. Offense sells tickets, but defense wins games.3. It's not the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog.4. Leave it all on the field.5. Play like a champion today.6. Winners never quit, and quitters never win.7. Every game is a b

Juggalo family sayings

1. Whoop whoop! - A common greeting among Juggalos, often accompanied by a fist bump or high five.2. Family love never dies - Reflects the strong bond and loyalty among Juggalos, emphasizing the enduring nature of their connections.3. In the end, we're all family - Highlights the inclusive and

Food delivery quotes sayings

1. Good food is all the sweeter when shared with good friends. - Unknown2. Food is symbolic of love when words are inadequate. - Alan D. Wolfelt3. There is no love sincerer than the love of food. - George Bernard Shaw4. Food brings people together on many different levels. It's nourishment of