Sayings from thundercats

1. "Thunder, thunder, thundercats, ho!"

2. "Sword of Omens, give me sight beyond sight!"

3. "Thundercats, ho!"

4. "Feel the magic, hear the roar, Thundercats are loose!"

5. "By the Eye of Thundera!"

6. "Ancient spirits of evil, transform this decayed form to Mumm-Ra, the Ever-Living!"

7. "Thundercats, Thundercats, Thundercats, ho!"

8. "Thundercats, the code of Thundera is the code of justice."

9. "Thundercats, we are all that stands between the Eye of Thundera and the forces of evil."

10. "Thundercats, Thundercats, Thundercats, ho! Thundercats are on the move, Thundercats are loose!"

Above is Sayings from thundercats.

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