Sayings goth chick

"Darkness is my ally, and shadows are my friends."

Above is Sayings goth chick.

Best drill instructor sayings

1. Pain is weakness leaving the body!2. You're not tired, you're just weak!3. I didn't come here to be your friend, I came here to make you better!4. Sweat now, shine later!5. You think this is hard? This is just the warm-up!6. I will push you beyond your limits because I know you can do

Sayings with the number 16

1. Sweet 162. Sixteen candles3. Sixteen going on seventeen4. At the age of sixteen, you're just a kid in the eyes of the world, but you're not a kid anymore 5. Life begins at sixteen6. Sixteen is the age of dreams and possibilities7. Sixteen years of love and laughter8. Sixteen is a m

Elephant sayings funny

1. An elephant never forgets, but I forgot where I left my keys.2. I'm not just big, I'm elephant-sized big!3. Why did the elephant bring a suitcase to the jungle? In case he needed to pack his trunk.4. I'm not clumsy, I'm just elephant graceful.5. I don't need luck, I have an elephant's me

Broadcasting sayings

1. Actions speak louder than words.2. Where there's a will, there's a way.3. The early bird catches the worm.4. Don't count your chickens before they hatch.5. A penny saved is a penny earned.6. Don't cry over spilled milk.7. Rome wasn't built in a day.8. Haste makes waste.9. The gra

Cute baby animal sayings

1. I'm otterly adorable!2. I'm a little lamb of love.3. I'm as cute as a button, and twice as cuddly!4. I'm a tiny turtle with a big heart.5. I'm a little duckling waddling my way into your heart.6. I'm a sweet little bunny hopping into your arms.7. I'm a playful puppy ready to wag my w

Old greek sayings quotes

Here are some old Greek sayings and quotes:1. Know thyself. - Socrates2. A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in. - Greek proverb3. The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing. - Socrates4. Happiness depends upon ourselves. - Arist

Buddha sayings about toletance in tamil

Here are a few Buddha sayings about tolerance in Tamil:1. அனுபாதம் மனிதர்களுக்கு உண்டு, அவர்களை மறுக்க வேண்டும். (Compassion is necessary for humans, we must forgive them.)2. மனிதர்களை அவர்கள் பார்வையில் கருதுவது முக்கியம். (It is important to see humans in their perspective.)3. மனிதர்களை அவர்க

100 cute sayings for your boyfriend

1. You light up my world like nobody else.2. You're the peanut butter to my jelly.3. My heart skips a beat every time I see you.4. You're my favorite hello and my hardest goodbye.5. I fall for you more and more every day.6. You're the missing piece to my puzzle.7. I love you more than words can expr

Cowboy boots quotes sayings

1. Give a girl the right pair of cowboy boots and she can conquer the world. 2. Life is better in cowboy boots. 3. There's nothing a pair of cowboy boots can't fix. 4. Boots, chaps, and cowboy hats - that's all you need. 5. Walk tall in your cowboy boots and let the world know you mean busi

Clever bachelorette sayings

1. Last fling before the ring!2. Pop the champagne, I'm changing my last name!3. Here's to love, laughter, and happily ever after!4. Goodbye single life, hello wifey material!5. Sip, sip, hooray! The bride is on her way!6. Cheers to the bride-to-be, let the party begin!7. Diamonds are a