Sayings in arabic about someones kids

1. "الأب للأبناء كالجبل للجبال"

Translation: "A father to his children is like a mountain to mountains."

2. "الأبناء زينة الدنيا وسرور العين"

Translation: "Children are the adornment of the world and the joy of the eye."

3. "الأبناء قرة عين الوالدين"

Translation: "Children are the delight of their parents' eyes."

4. "الأبناء زهرة الحياة وثمرة الأمل"

Translation: "Children are the flower of life and the fruit of hope."

5. "الأبناء كنز لا يفنى"

Translation: "Children are a treasure that never fades."

6. "الأبناء هبة من الله ونعمة للوالدين"

Translation: "Children are a gift from God and a blessing for their parents."

7. "الأبناء يملأون البيت بالضحك والسعادة"

Translation: "Children fill the house with laughter and happiness."

Above is Sayings in arabic about someones kids.

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