Sayings in london

1. "Mind the gap" - a warning to be cautious of the space between the train and the platform on the London Underground.

2. "Keep calm and carry on" - a famous British wartime slogan that has become a popular saying in London and beyond.

3. "Bob's your uncle" - a phrase used to indicate that something is easy or straightforward.

4. "It's raining cats and dogs" - a common expression used to describe heavy rain in London.

5. "The Big Smoke" - a nickname for London due to its history of being a heavily industrialized city with smog.

6. "Up the apples and pears" - Cockney rhyming slang for "up the stairs."

7. "Bless your cotton socks" - a polite way of thanking someone in London.

8. "As right as rain" - a saying to indicate that everything is in order or going well.

9. "Cheerio" - a friendly way of saying goodbye in London.

10. "Blimey!" - an expression of surprise or shock commonly used in London.

Above is Sayings in london.

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