Sayings like an apple a day keeps the doctor away

1. "A stitch in time saves nine."

2. "Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise."

3. "Don't put all your eggs in one basket."

4. "Actions speak louder than words."

5. "The early bird catches the worm."

6. "Don't count your chickens before they hatch."

7. "All good things must come to an end."

8. "Better late than never."

9. "Don't cry over spilled milk."

10. "Two wrongs don't make a right."

Above is Sayings like an apple a day keeps the doctor away.

Humorous sayings about preachers

1. A preacher's job is to save souls, not bore them to death.2. Preachers have a direct line to God, but sometimes it gets crossed with the church's Wi-Fi.3. Preachers are like GPS systems for the soul, always guiding you to the right path.4. A preacher's sermons are like coffee - strong, bol

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Stress free quotes sayings

1. Don't stress over things you can't control.2. Stress less, live more.3. Inhale peace, exhale stress.4. Let go of what you can't change and focus on what you can.5. Stress is caused by giving a f*ck. Care less, stress less.6. Worrying won't stop the bad stuff from happening, it just sto

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1. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all. - Helen Keller2. Fortune favors the bold. - Latin Proverb3. Dare to be different. - Unknown4. Take the risk or lose the chance. - Unknown5. Don't be afraid to fail, be afraid not to try. - Unknown6. Great things never come from comfo

Reba mcentire quotes and sayings

1. To succeed in life, you need three things: a wishbone, a backbone, and a funny bone.2. I'd rather have a hundred thousand or a million people saying I'm nuts and I'm crazy for my musical choices and what I've said lyrically, than a million people saying, 'Oh, that's nice.'3. To succeed in li

Diy pillows with sayings

Creating DIY pillows with sayings can be a fun and creative project. Here are some steps to help you get started:Materials needed:- Plain pillow covers or fabric- Fabric paint or markers- Stencils or letter templates- Paintbrushes- Iron-on transfer paper (if using a printer)- Iron (if using iron-on

Hawaiian proverbs and poetical sayings

1. Aloha kekahi i kekahi - Love one another2. He aliʻi ka ʻāina, he kauā ke kanaka - The land is chief, man is its servant3. E ʻōlelo mai ana nō ka lehulehu, a lōhe mai ka ʻolelo - The multitude speaks, but the wise listen4. ʻAʻohe pau ka ʻike i ka hālau hoʻokahi - All knowledge is not taugh

Romantic sayings in urdu

1. تم میری زندگی کی سب سے خوبصورت تصویر ہو۔2. تمہاری محبت میرے دل کی دھڑکن ہے۔3. تمہاری محبت میری روح کو چھو جاتی ہے۔4. تمہاری ہنسی میری دنیا کو روشن کرتی ہے۔5. تمہاری باتیں میرے دل کو سکون دیتی ہیں۔6. تمہاری نظریں میرے دل کو چھو لیتی ہیں۔7. تمہاری محبت میری زندگی کو معنی دیتی ہے۔8. ت

Hilarious christmas cards sayings

1. I'm dreaming of a white Christmas... but if the white runs out, I'll drink the red!2. Christmas calories don't count, right? Asking for a friend.3. Santa saw your Instagram, you're getting clothes and a Bible for Christmas.4. I'm dreaming of a Christmas where my family doesn't ask when I'm