Sayings like single and ready to mingle

1. "Flying solo and ready to mingle."

2. "One and done, ready to have some fun."

3. "Flying solo and open for business."

4. "Riding solo and looking to mingle."

5. "Flying solo and ready to mingle like a Pringle."

6. "Single and ready to jingle with new connections."

7. "Solo and ready to mingle, bring on the fun."

8. "One and free, ready to see what the world has for me."

9. "Flying solo and open to new possibilities."

10. "Single and ready to mingle, let the good times roll."

Above is Sayings like single and ready to mingle.

Chinese goodbye sayings

1. 再见 (Zàijiàn) - Goodbye2. 慢走 (Màn zǒu) - Take care3. 再会 (Zàihuì) - See you again4. 保重 (Bǎozhòng) - Take care of yourself5. 祝你一路顺风 (Zhù nǐ yīlù shùnfēng) - Wishing you a smooth journey6. 永别了 (Yǒng biéle) - Farewell7. 珍重再见 (Zhēnzhòng zàijiàn) - Goodbye, take care8. 一路平安 (Yīlù píng'ān) - Have a safe

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