Sayings like water off a duck's back

1. "Like water under the bridge."

2. "Rolling with the punches."

3. "Letting it slide."

4. "Brushing it off."

5. "Taking it in stride."

6. "Shaking it off."

7. "Bouncing back."

8. "Not letting it get to you."

9. "Moving on."

10. "Rising above it."

Above is Sayings like water off a duck's back.

Dog poop bags with funny sayings

1. Poo Happens, Just Roll with It2. I'm Just Here for the Poop Scoop3. Scoopin' Ain't Easy4. Paws and Reflect on the Poop5. Poop Patrol: Saving Lawns One Scoop at a Time6. Bagging Poop Like a Boss7. Poop Duty: It's a Dirty Job, but Someone's Gotta Do It8. Scoopin' Poop, Takin' Names9

Best telugu sayings for ever

1. మనసు మనకు వారికి మాట్లాడకు - Speak to others according to their understanding, speak to yourself according to your mind.2. ఒక్కసారి చెడును చూస్తే అనేక మందులు కలిగిపోతాయి - If you see one mistake, many will be made.3. అడవిలో ఆడిన కోడి వంకాయని చూస్తే అది తినిపోతాయి - If you see a crow dancing in th

Hunger sayings

1. Hunger is the best sauce. - Spanish Proverb2. Better to go hungry than to eat what is not worth eating. - African Proverb3. The hunger for love is much more difficult to remove than the hunger for bread. - Mother Teresa4. Hunger is the handmaid of genius. - Jean Giraudoux5. Hunger is the

Happy work anniversary card sayings

1. Congratulations on another year of hard work and dedication! Here's to many more successful years ahead.2. Your commitment and passion for your work are truly inspiring. Happy work anniversary!3. Thank you for all that you do and for being a valuable member of our team. Happy work anniversar

Father's day rememberance sayings

1. A father is someone you look up to no matter how tall you grow.2. A father's love is forever etched in our hearts.3. Dad, your memory is a treasure we hold dear.4. In loving memory of a father who will always be our guiding light.5. Remembering a father who taught us the true meaning of

Crete identity sayings

1. Be yourself; everyone else is already taken. - Oscar Wilde2. To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment. - Ralph Waldo Emerson3. Your identity is your most valuable possession. Protect it. - Eliezer Yudkowsky4. Don't let th

You change your mind like sayings

1. You're as fickle as the weather.2. You're like a ship changing course in the wind.3. You're as indecisive as a leaf in the wind.4. You're like a pendulum swinging back and forth.5. You're as changeable as the tides.

Chicano quotes and sayings

1. We are not a minority. We are a majority in the world. - Cesar Chavez2. Chicano is a state of mind. - Cheech Marin3. We didn't cross the border, the border crossed us. - Unknown4. Chicano pride is alive and well. - Dolores Huerta5. Being Chicano means being proud of who you are and where

Easter sunday pics and sayings

Here are some Easter Sunday pics and sayings that you may find inspiring:1. He is not here; he has risen! - Matthew 28:62. Easter is the time to rejoice and be thankful for the gift of life, love, and joy.3. May the miracle of Easter bring you renewed hope, faith, love, and joy.4. Easter spel

Camping blankets with sayings

1. Adventure Awaits2. Into the Wild3. Happy Camper4. Explore More5. Campfire & Chill6. Not All Who Wander Are Lost7. Let's Get Lost8. Stay Wild9. The Mountains Are Calling10. Camp Vibes Only