Sayings of 14 masoomeen

Here are some sayings attributed to the 14 Masoomeen (the 14 Infallibles in Shia Islam):

1. Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib (AS): "The best deed of a great man is to forgive and forget."

2. Lady Fatimah Zahra (AS): "The best of women is she who is pleased when her husband looks at her, obeys him when he commands, and does not go against his wishes."

3. Imam Hassan ibn Ali (AS): "A man's worth is judged by his deeds, not his words."

4. Imam Hussain ibn Ali (AS): "Death with dignity is better than a life of humiliation."

5. Imam Zain ul-Abidin (AS): "The best wealth is contentment of the heart."

6. Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (AS): "Knowledge is the key to everything good."

7. Imam Ja'far al-Sadiq (AS): "The best of people is he from whom others benefit."

8. Imam Musa al-Kadhim (AS): "Patience is of two kinds: patience over what pains you, and patience against what you covet."

9. Imam Ali al-Ridha (AS): "The best of friends is the one who helps you become a better person."

10. Imam Muhammad al-Jawad (AS): "The most complete of believers in faith are those with the best character."

11. Imam Ali al-Hadi (AS): "The best of actions is to withhold anger."

12. Imam Hasan al-Askari (AS): "The best of people are those who are most beneficial to others."

13. Imam Muhammad al-Mahdi (AS): "The best of people are those who are the most truthful in speech."

14. Lady Fatimah al-Ma'sumah (AS): "The best adornment for a woman is modesty and faith."

These sayings reflect the wisdom, piety, and teachings of the 14 Masoomeen in Islam.

Above is Sayings of 14 masoomeen.

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