Sayings of desert fathers
1. "Stay in your cell and your cell will teach you everything." - Abba Moses
2. "Do not be always wanting everything to turn out as you think it should, but rather as God pleases. Then you will be undisturbed and thankful in your prayer." - Abba Nilus
3. "Do not be always wanting everything to turn out as you think it should, but rather as God pleases. Then you will be undisturbed and thankful in your prayer." - Abba Nilus
4. "The true monk is one who is humble in his thoughts, upright in his actions, and unassuming in his speech." - Abba Poemen
5. "If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven." - Jesus (attributed in the Sayings of the Desert Fathers)
6. "The more you increase your prayer, the more you increase your labors. The more you increase your labors, the more you increase your virtues. The more you increase your virtues, the more you increase your humility." - Abba Poemen
7. "Do not be proud of your own righteousness, for it is like filthy rags before God." - Abba Poemen
8. "Do not be quick to judge others, for you do not know their struggles and temptations." - Abba Anthony
9. "The true monk is one who is at peace with himself and with all others." - Abba Poemen
10. "Let your prayer be constant and your heart humble, and you will find peace in the midst of turmoil." - Abba Anthony
Above is Sayings of desert fathers.