Sayings of hazrat ali about friends
1. "A friend cannot be considered a friend until he is tested in three occasions: in time of need, behind your back, and after your death."
2. "Associate with people in such a manner that when you see them, you remember God."
3. "A friend is one who sees your faults and forgives them, who understands your silence and respects it, who knows your weaknesses and helps you overcome them."
4. "A true friend is one who is with you in times of hardship, who advises you sincerely, and who rejoices in your success."
5. "Do not befriend the wicked, for they will lead you astray. Instead, befriend the righteous, for they will guide you towards goodness."
Above is Sayings of hazrat ali about friends.
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1. Cine se scoală de dimineață, departe ajunge.2. Munca cinstește pe om.3. Fiecare își poartă crucea.4. Unde-i voință, acolo-i și drum.5. A face bine fără să te lauzi, asta e adevărata fericire.6. Nu lăsa pe mâine ce poți face azi.7. Înțelepciunea vine din experiență.8. Cine râde la u