Sayings of imam ghazali

Here are some famous sayings of Imam Ghazali:

1. "Knowledge without action is wastefulness and action without knowledge is foolishness."

2. "The tongue is the key to the heart."

3. "Patience is of two kinds: patience over what pains you, and patience against what you covet."

4. "The best way to deal with the world is to put on the garment of humility."

5. "The heart is like a bird: love is its head, and fear and hope are its two wings."

6. "The remedy for ignorance is seeking knowledge."

7. "The world is like a shadow: if you run after it, you will never be able to catch it. But if you turn your back to it, it has no choice but to follow you."

8. "The beginning of wisdom is to desire it."

9. "The best way to improve yourself is to reflect on your own faults and not on the faults of others."

10. "The true believer is one who is thankful in prosperity and patient in adversity."

Above is Sayings of imam ghazali.

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