Sayings of the desert fathers

1. "Stay in your cell, and your cell will teach you everything." - Abba Moses

2. "Do not be always wanting everything to turn out as you think it should, but rather as God pleases, then you will be undisturbed and thankful in your prayer." - Abba Nilus

3. "The true monk is one who keeps his mind in hell and despair, and yet is not overcome by sadness." - Abba Poemen

4. "If a man has no humility, he will never find peace." - Abba Serapion

5. "Do not trust in your own righteousness, do not worry about the past, but control your tongue and your stomach." - Abba Anthony

Above is Sayings of the desert fathers.

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Canvas bag with sayings

Canvas bags with sayings are a popular and stylish accessory that can add a touch of personality to your outfit. Here are some ideas for sayings that you can consider for your canvas bag:1. Be the change you wish to see in the world.2. Adventure awaits.3. Good vibes only.4. Not all who wander