Sayings of the desert fathers on prayer

1. "Prayer is the inner bath of love into which the soul plunges itself." - Abba Nilus

2. "Prayer is the place of refuge for every worry, a foundation for cheerfulness, a source of constant happiness, a protection against sadness." - Abba Evagrius

3. "Prayer is the light of the soul, true knowledge of God, a mediator between God and men." - Abba John the Dwarf

4. "Prayer is the weapon of the soul, a never failing treasure, a secure harbor in the midst of the storm." - Abba Isaac

5. "Prayer is the key to the heart of God, the ladder to heaven, the breath of the soul." - Abba Poemen

6. "Prayer is the silence of the heart, the stillness of the mind, the communion with God." - Abba Anthony

7. "Prayer is the fragrance of the soul, the joy of the spirit, the peace of the heart." - Abba Macarius

8. "Prayer is the food of the soul, the light of the mind, the strength of the will." - Abba Moses

9. "Prayer is the language of the heart, the song of the spirit, the dance of the soul." - Abba Serapion

10. "Prayer is the way to God, the path to perfection, the gate to paradise." - Abba Ammon

Above is Sayings of the desert fathers on prayer.

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