Sayings of vedas

The Vedas are ancient scriptures of Hinduism that contain a wealth of wisdom and knowledge. Here are a few sayings from the Vedas:

1. "Truth alone triumphs." (Satyameva Jayate)

2. "Let noble thoughts come to us from every side." (Aano bhadra krtavo yantu vishwatah)

3. "The mind is everything. What you think, you become." (Yad bhavam tad bhavati)

4. "He who sees all beings in himself and himself in all beings, attains the highest Brahman." (Aham Brahmasmi)

5. "The wise see the same in all beings, seeing the same self in a noble and an outcast, in a cow and in a dog." (Samatvam yoga uchyate)

These sayings reflect the profound spiritual and philosophical teachings found in the Vedas.

Above is Sayings of vedas.

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