Sayings on competition

1. "Competition brings out the best in products and the worst in people."

2. "In the game of life, competition is the fuel that drives us to do better."

3. "Competition is the spice of sports, the soul of business, and the essence of life."

4. "A little competition is a good thing; too much can be destructive."

5. "Compete with others to improve yourself, not to bring them down."

6. "In the arena of competition, only the strong survive."

7. "Competition is the fire that fuels innovation and progress."

8. "Winning isn't everything, but the will to win is."

9. "Compete with integrity, for true victory lies in knowing you gave it your all."

10. "In the race of life, the only competition that matters is the one against yourself."

Above is Sayings on competition.

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