Sayings on love in punjabi

1. "Ishq diyan gallan" (The talks of love)

2. "Pyar diyan baatan" (The conversations of love)

3. "Dil diyan gallan" (The matters of the heart)

4. "Ishq vich rang" (Colors of love)

5. "Pyar da asar" (The impact of love)

6. "Dil de jazbaat" (The emotions of the heart)

7. "Ishq da nasha" (The intoxication of love)

8. "Pyar da jadoo" (The magic of love)

9. "Dil di awaaz" (The voice of the heart)

10. "Ishq da safar" (The journey of love)

Above is Sayings on love in punjabi.

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