Sayings that include the term wild

1. "Let your wild side out."

2. "Live life on the wild side."

3. "Tame the wild within."

4. "Embrace your wild nature."

5. "Run wild and free."

6. "The call of the wild."

7. "Dance like nobody's watching, wild and free."

8. "In the wild, anything is possible."

9. "Find beauty in the wild."

10. "Let your spirit roam wild."

Above is Sayings that include the term wild.

Cute scavenger hunt sayings

1. Follow the clues and see where they lead, a treasure awaits for you to succeed!2. Search high and low, to find the hidden glow.3. Hunt for clues, don't be shy, the prize is waiting for you to spy!4. Adventure awaits, so follow the trail, your scavenger hunt quest will never fail!5. Explo

Niccolo machiavelli famous sayings

1. It is better to be feared than loved, if you cannot be both.2. The ends justify the means.3. Politics have no relation to morals.4. The lion cannot protect himself from traps, and the fox cannot defend himself from wolves. One must therefore be a fox to recognize traps, and a lion to frigh

Caterpillar equipment sayings

1. Built for the toughest jobs.2. Powering progress.3. Stronger together.4. Performance you can count on.5. Turning obstacles into opportunities.6. Reliable. Durable. Efficient.7. Leading the way in innovation.8. Tough equipment for tough jobs.9. Built to last, built to perform.10.

Stop sign sayings

1. Stop and smell the roses.2. Stop, collaborate, and listen.3. Stop and enjoy the little things in life.4. Stop worrying about what could go wrong and start thinking about what could go right.5. Stop waiting for the perfect moment, take the moment and make it perfect.6. Stop comparing yo

Spirit sayings

1. The soul always knows what to do to heal itself. The challenge is to silence the mind. - Caroline Myss2. Listen to the wind, it talks. Listen to the silence, it speaks. Listen to your heart, it knows. - Native American Proverb3. The spirit is the true self. The spirit, the will to win, and t

Baby boy shower sayings for invitations

1. A little prince is on the way, let's shower him with love and gifts!2. It's a boy! Let's celebrate with a shower of joy.3. Blue, trucks, and toys galore, let's welcome baby boy with so much more!4. Tiny hands and tiny feet, a baby boy we can't wait to meet!5. Join us as we sprinkle love

Admin professionals day 2016 sayings

1. Behind every successful team is a dedicated administrative professional.2. Administrative professionals: the unsung heroes of the office.3. Thank you for keeping the office running smoothly every day.4. Your hard work and dedication do not go unnoticed.5. To the backbone of the office -

The bees knees sayings

The bee's knees is a slang expression that originated in the 1920s and means something excellent or outstanding. It is often used to describe something or someone as being exceptional or top-notch. Some similar sayings include:- The cat's pajamas- The cat's whiskers- The cat's meow- The dog's boll

Build a bear iron man sayings

1. I am Iron Man, ready for action!2. Time to suit up and save the day!3. I am a genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist... and a bear!4. Arc Reactor powering up, let's go!5. I have a plan, and it involves lots of hugs!6. I may be a bear, but I'm also a superhero!7. Fighting crime

Humours bulletin sayings

1. Laughter is the best medicine, but a good joke is a close second.2. A day without laughter is a day wasted.3. I'm not lazy, I'm just in energy-saving mode.4. I'm not arguing, I'm just explaining why I'm right.5. I'm not clumsy, I'm just testing gravity.6. I'm not a control freak, but c