Sayings to ask bridesmaids to be in your wedding

1. "I can't say 'I do' without you by my side. Will you be my bridesmaid?"

2. "I would be honored if you would stand by me on my special day. Will you be my bridesmaid?"

3. "I need my best girls with me on my wedding day. Will you be my bridesmaid?"

4. "I can't imagine my wedding without you there. Will you be my bridesmaid?"

5. "I would love for you to be a part of my bridal party. Will you be my bridesmaid?"

6. "I need your love and support as I walk down the aisle. Will you be my bridesmaid?"

7. "I want to share this special moment with you. Will you be my bridesmaid?"

8. "I would be so grateful if you would be my bridesmaid on my big day."

9. "I can't wait to create unforgettable memories with you as my bridesmaid. Will you say yes?"

10. "I would be thrilled if you would stand by me as I say 'I do'. Will you be my bridesmaid?"

Above is Sayings to ask bridesmaids to be in your wedding.

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