Sayings to comfort someone who had their money stolen

1. "Money comes and goes, but your well-being is what truly matters."

2. "It's just money, it can be replaced. Your safety and happiness are what's important."

3. "I'm here for you, and we'll get through this together."

4. "Remember, material possessions can be replaced, but you can't. You are valuable and loved."

5. "This too shall pass. Stay strong and know that better days are ahead."

6. "Don't let this setback define you. You are so much more than what was taken from you."

7. "I'm sorry this happened to you. Let's focus on moving forward and not dwelling on the past."

8. "You are not alone in this. Lean on your loved ones for support during this difficult time."

9. "The most important things in life are not things. Your resilience and strength will see you through."

10. "Take a deep breath and remember that your worth is not determined by material possessions. You are valuable no matter what."

Above is Sayings to comfort someone who had their money stolen.

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