Sayings to make you feel good about yourself

1. "You are enough just as you are."

2. "You are capable of achieving great things."

3. "You are deserving of love and happiness."

4. "You are unique and special in your own way."

5. "You have the power to create positive change in your life."

6. "You are worthy of all the good things life has to offer."

7. "You are strong, resilient, and capable of overcoming any challenge."

8. "You are a work in progress, and that's perfectly okay."

9. "You are a valuable and important person in this world."

10. "You are beautiful inside and out."

Above is Sayings to make you feel good about yourself.

Old sayings of don't turn down someone's help

Never look a gift horse in the mouth.A friend in need is a friend indeed.Don't bite the hand that feeds you.Two heads are better than one.It takes a village to raise a child.Many hands make light work.United we stand, divided we fall.Give and take.

Days of the week quotes and sayings

1. Monday is a fresh start. It's never too late to dig in and begin a new journey of success. - Unknown2. Tuesday isn't so bad...It's a sign that I've somehow survived Monday. - Unknown3. Wednesday: Halfway to the weekend! Keep pushing through. - Unknown4. Thursday is the day to make a change

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Forever my girl sayings

1. You are my forever love.2. Forever and always, you are mine.3. In your arms, I've found my forever home.4. Together, we are forever.5. My heart belongs to you forever.6. You are my forever and always.7. With you, I've found my forever happiness.8. Forever grateful for you in my lif

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1. We loved with a love that was more than love. - Edgar Allan Poe2. The heart wants what it wants. - Woody Allen3. Love is like a forbidden fruit, the more you crave it, the more it becomes irresistible. 4. In the game of love, the forbidden fruit is always the sweetest. 5. Forbidden love

Creepy gravestone sayings

1. I'll be watching you from the other side.2. Here lies a soul lost in eternal darkness.3. Death is not the end, but only the beginning.4. May the shadows of the night guide you to me.5. In death, I am closer to you than ever before.6. The dead do not rest easy in this place.7. Beware,

Buddhist sayings river

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Let me be your to my sayings

I'm here to assist you with any questions or information you need. Feel free to ask me anything, and I'll do my best to provide you with accurate and helpful answers.

Gender reveal sayings for cake

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Crayon heart valentine sayings

1. You color my world with love.2. You make my heart melt like a crayon.3. You're the brightest crayon in my box.4. You're the perfect shade of love.5. You make my heart skip a crayon.6. You're the masterpiece in my coloring book.7. You're the rainbow in my crayon box.8. You bring col