Sayings when your hoe doesn't cut it

"When life gives you a dull hoe, sharpen it or get a new one."

Above is Sayings when your hoe doesn't cut it.

Periodic table valentine sayings

1. Are you made of Copper and Tellurium? Because you're Cu-Te!2. You must be made of Fluorine, Iodine, and Neon because you are FINe!3. Are you a compound of Barium and Beryllium? Because you're a BaBe!4. I must be Sodium because when I'm with you, I feel Na-ice!5. You're like an element on

Sayings about something is far removed from something else

1. As different as night and day.2. Like comparing apples and oranges.3. In a world of its own.4. Miles apart.5. As distant as the east is from the west.6. In a league of its own.7. Worlds apart.8. Like chalk and cheese.9. Poles apart.10. As separate as the sky and the earth.

Halloween sayings trick or treat

Trick or treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat!

1920s sayings

1. The bee's knees - something excellent or outstanding2. Cat's pajamas - something stylish or impressive3. Bee's wax - none of one's business4. Darb - an excellent person or thing5. Giggle water - alcohol6. Hotsy-totsy - perfect or just right7. Ritzy - elegant or luxurious8. Spiffy

Sayings with the words a good book

1. A good book is like a treasure chest, full of wisdom and wonder.2. A good book is a friend that never lets you down.3. In the company of a good book, time stands still.4. A good book is a journey that takes you to places you've never been.5. A good book is a window into the soul of its a

Sad sayings lifeismoney ptt

Life is like money, you can spend it any way you wish, but you can only spend it once.

Fun sayings t shirts

1. Life is short, buy the t-shirt.2. Sarcasm is my love language.3. Coffee, sarcasm, and a whole lot of sass.4. In a world full of trends, I want to remain a classic.5. I'm not arguing, I'm just explaining why I'm right.6. I run on caffeine, chaos, and cuss words.7. I'm not a hot mess,

Plumbing sayings

1. Plumbers have the best pipes.2. Plumbing: where leaks are no match for us.3. In the world of plumbing, we always find a way to flow.4. Plumbing problems? We'll fix them in a flush.5. Plumbing: the art of keeping things flowing smoothly.6. A good plumber is worth their weight in gold.7

Baby shower thank you sayings wording

1. Thank you for showering our little one with love and gifts. We are truly grateful!2. Your presence at the baby shower meant the world to us. Thank you for celebrating this special time with us.3. We are overwhelmed by your generosity and kindness. Thank you for the thoughtful gifts and well

Sayings about bandanas

1. Wear a bandana and let your style speak for itself.2. Bandanas: the perfect accessory for adding a touch of flair to any outfit.3. Tie on a bandana and embrace your inner rebel.4. Bandanas are not just for cowboys - they're a versatile fashion statement for everyone.5. A bandana can be t