Sayings with the word lip

1. "Loose lips sink ships."

2. "Read my lips."

3. "Bite your lip."

4. "Keep a stiff upper lip."

5. "Don't shoot your mouth off."

6. "Zip your lip."

7. "A slip of the lip can sink a ship."

8. "Lip service."

9. "My lips are sealed."

10. "A lip-smacking good time."

Above is Sayings with the word lip.

Cold evening sayings

1. The chill of the evening wraps around me like a comforting blanket.2. The frosty air whispers secrets of the night.3. The evening breeze carries the promise of a cozy night ahead.4. As the sun sets, the world grows quiet and still, a perfect time for reflection.5. The cold evening air in

Funny hat sayings

1. I'm not bald, I'm just making room for my hat collection.2. I wear many hats, both literally and figuratively.3. Life is too short to wear boring hats.4. Hats off to you for being so fabulous.5. I have a hat for every mood, occasion, and weather forecast.6. A bad hair day is just an ex

Christian sayings on ministry

1. For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many. - Mark 10:452. As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace. - 1 Peter 4:103. And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due se

Chinesse resturant sign sayings

1. 美味佳肴,尽在此处 (Delicious dishes, all here)2. 欢迎光临,品尝正宗中餐 (Welcome, taste authentic Chinese cuisine)3. 烹饪精湛,口味绝佳 (Exquisite cooking, excellent taste)4. 传统美食,新鲜食材 (Traditional delicacies, fresh ingredients)5. 品味中华文化,尽在这里 (Experience Chinese culture through taste)6. 舌尖上的中国,等你来尝 (Chinese flav

Quiz cryptic pharases and sayings

1. A stitch in time saves nine - Time is of the essence in preventing further problems.2. Actions speak louder than words - What you do is more important than what you say.3. Bite the bullet - Endure a painful or difficult situation with courage.4. Don't count your chickens before they hatch

Real estate sayings funny

1. I'm not a real estate agent, but I play one on weekends.2. I'm not a real estate expert, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night.3. Buying a house is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get.4. I'm not a real estate agent, but I can show you some great prop

Friendship card sayings for christmas pintererst

1. Friends like you make the holidays brighter.2. Wishing you a Christmas filled with joy, laughter, and friendship.3. Cheers to good friends and holiday cheer!4. Thankful for the gift of your friendship this Christmas.5. May our friendship be the greatest gift of all this holiday season.6

Chinese love sayings

1. 爱情是生活的调呂,没有它,生活就是一首无调的歌。 (Love is the key to life, without it, life is like a song without melody.)2. 爱一个人就是看到他的缺点,也依然选择爱他。 (To love someone is to see their flaws and still choose to love them.)3. 爱情就像一杯茶,不甜也不苦,只要心意相通就好。 (Love is like a cup of tea, not too sweet nor too bitter, as long as h

Slang sayings for goodbye

1. Catch you on the flip side2. Peace out3. Later gator4. See you later, alligator5. Deuces6. Adios amigos7. Take it easy8. Catch you later9. Hasta luego10. Peace and blessings

Reddit sayings

1. OP delivers - Refers to the original poster of a thread following up with new information or updates.2. TL;DR - Stands for too long; didn't read and is used to summarize a lengthy post or comment.3. F in the chat - Used to express condolences or sympathy for a negative event or outcome.4.