Sayings with the word trim

1. "Trim the sails before the wind changes."

2. "A little trim here and there can make a big difference."

3. "It's time to trim the excess and focus on what truly matters."

4. "A good trim can bring out the beauty in anything."

5. "Trim away the negativity and let positivity shine through."

6. "Life is like a garden, sometimes you need to trim the dead branches to make room for new growth."

7. "A well-trimmed hedge makes for a tidy garden."

8. "Trimming the fat can lead to a leaner, more efficient operation."

9. "Sometimes you need to trim the excess to reveal the true essence."

10. "In life, it's important to know when to trim back and when to let things flourish."

Above is Sayings with the word trim.

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