Sayings with very close

1. "Close but no cigar."

2. "Close quarters."

3. "Close shave."

4. "Close call."

5. "Close to the bone."

6. "Close to the chest."

7. "Close-knit community."

8. "Close to the heart."

9. "Close at hand."

10. "Close to the wire."

Above is Sayings with very close.

Funny math sayings stickers

1. I'm so good at math, I can't even count the number of times I've impressed myself.2. Math: the only place where people buy 64 watermelons and no one wonders why.3. I'm a math magician. I make numbers disappear... with my calculator.4. I'm not a mathematician, but I'm pretty good at dividin

Funny suspicious sayings

1. I'm not saying it was aliens, but it was aliens.2. I trust my gut feeling, but I also trust my neighbor's security camera.3. I'm not paranoid, but I always check my closet for monsters before going to bed.4. I'm not saying the government is watching us, but have you noticed how many pigeon

Gym sayings for guys

1. Train like a beast, look like a beauty.2. Sweat is just fat crying.3. No pain, no gain.4. Stronger every day.5. Eat clean, train dirty.6. Rise and grind.7. Muscles are earned, not given.8. Train insane or remain the same.9. Don't wish for it, work for it.10. The only bad workou

Wedding ring sayings

1. With this ring, I thee wed.2. A circle of love, unbroken and never-ending.3. From this day forward, you shall not walk alone.4. Love is the key that opens the heart.5. Together forever, never apart. Maybe in distance, but never in heart.6. This ring symbolizes my love and commitment to

Country grandpa sayings

1. A hard head makes a soft behind.2. You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.3. Don't count your chickens before they hatch.4. A penny saved is a penny earned.5. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.6. The early bird catches the worm.7. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't ma

Halloween sayings for restaurants

1. Witch-ing you a spooky good time at our restaurant!2. Join us for a fang-tastic feast this Halloween!3. Eat, drink, and be scary at our haunted restaurant!4. Trick or treat yourself to a delicious meal with us!5. Boo! Come in for a meal that will make you scream with delight!6. Dine wi

Bawdy roman sayings

Here are a few bawdy Roman sayings:1. In vino veritas - In wine, there is truth (implying that people are more likely to speak their true feelings when they are drunk).2. Futuo te et irrumabo - I will fuck you and face-fuck you (a vulgar insult used in Roman times).3. Ubi bene, ibi patria - Wh

Sayings about sons growing up

1. Sons are like arrows, destined to fly from the nest and find their own path.2. Watching a son grow up is like witnessing a beautiful flower bloom in the garden of life.3. A son is a reflection of his father's past, a glimpse of his future, and a reminder of the passage of time.4. As sons g

Bloodsport sayings

1. To the victor belong the spoils.2. Blood, sweat, and tears.3. Fight like a warrior, bleed like a champion.4. In the arena, only the strong survive.5. The battle is won before it even begins.6. Leave it all on the mat.7. Blood in, blood out.8. Fight with honor, die with glory.9. T

Author sayings on tax havens

1. Tax havens are like Swiss bank accounts - they're great for criminals and dictators, but they're terrible for the rest of us. - Nicholas Shaxson2. Tax havens are an injustice against the majority of people who pay their fair share of taxes. - Joseph Stiglitz3. Tax havens are the ultimate sym