Scottish baby sayings

Here are some traditional Scottish baby sayings:

1. "Bairn in the manger" - Referring to a baby in a crib or cradle.

2. "Wee yin" - A term of endearment for a small child.

3. "Bonnie bairn" - A beautiful or lovely baby.

4. "Drookit wee yin" - A wet or soaked baby.

5. "Haud yer wheesht" - Be quiet or hush, often said to a crying baby.

6. "Dinnae fash yersel" - Don't worry or stress, often said to a fretful baby.

7. "Awa' an' play yer clarsach" - Go and play with your toys, referring to a baby's playtime.

8. "Sleep like a wee lamb" - Sleeping peacefully and soundly, like a baby lamb.

9. "Dookin' for apples" - A playful term for a baby reaching or grabbing for something.

10. "Cuddle up like a wee burd" - Snuggling or cuddling like a little bird.

These sayings reflect the warmth, affection, and humor often found in Scottish culture when talking about babies and children.

Above is Scottish baby sayings.

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